Subsea Manifold

AME Pty Ltd
June 2014
Perth, Western Australia

Global Scanning Solutions was engaged by AME Pty Ltd to develop a series of as-built 3D CAD models of two subsea manifold trees to assist in equipment design and interface fabrication for integration with other subsea modules. It was proposed that the subsea manifolds be 3D laser scanned using a Faro Focus 3D laser scanner.

The primary objective of the project was to develop 3D CAD models with the ability and functionality to determine equipment positioning and clash detection for virtual fit-up with other subsea components.

Key deliverables included;

  • 3D CAD as-built model
  • POV Panoramic point cloud viewer (TruView)
  • Registered point cloud data
  • Plan and section general arrangement drawings

A team of 2 surveyors were mobilised to this project, with the team completing the 3D laser scanning. Our 3D modelling team were tasked with developing a 3D as-built CAD model.